Curriculum Matters
How to Learn Hydrogen Technologies in the Secondary School
Резюме. It is expected the involvement of the hydrogen technologies in many industry fields to be an essential feature of the sustainable development of the mankind. That’s why a positive attitude to those technologies should be shaped as soon as possible. The school provides such an opportunity. Two school subjects seem to be appropriate for successful learning of hydrogen technologies – ‘Man and Nature’ (early science education) and ‘Chemistry and Environment” (in secondary school). Ideas and proper examples for such kind of learning are presented and discussed in the present paper.
Keywords: hydrogen technologies, chemistry teaching and learning
1. Митов, М., Я. Петров, С. Манев. Демонстрационен горивен елемент. Химия 14, 440-445 (2005).
2. Митов, М., Г. Христов, Е. Христова, С. Манев. Експерименти с демонстрационен горивен елемент Demi Cell (с. 106-109). В. Сборник с доклади на XXXV Национална конференция по въпроси на обучението по физика „Експериментът в обучението по химия”, Съюз на физиците в България, София, 2007.
3. Митов, М., Д. Николова, Е. Далева, Д. Митов, С. Манев. Демострационен модел на екологосъобразна енергийна система (с. 89-92). В.Сборник с доклади на XXXV Национална конференция по въпроси на обучението по физика „Експериментът в обучението по химия”, Съюз на физиците в България, София, 2007.
Corresponding author:
V. Dimitrova, M. Mitov, S. Manev
Влезте в системата, за да прочетете пълната статияTeaching Efficiency
A Study of Quality of Home Chemistry Activity Tools
Резюме. This paper presents a study of quality of home chemistry experiments and their worksheets, designed for 7th grade students. Some requirements about the implementation of home chemistry experiments are considered. They are directed to the experimental equipment, safety, procedures and set of didactic requirements. On the base of such demands several indicators are defined and research tools are worked out, i.e. Control chart for determination of technical quality of home experiments and Control chart for determination of didactic quality of home activity worksheets. As a result, the chemistry experiments and worksheets with good quality are selected. They are appropriated for autonomous home activity of 7th grade students in chemistry.
Keywords: home chemistry activity, home chemistry experiments, worksheets quality
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21. D’Amico J., K.E. Drummond. The Science Chef: 100 Fun Food Experiments and Recipes for Kids. Jossey-Bass, 1994.
22. Близнаков, Г., Л. Боянова, М. Минчева, М. Петрова. Химия. 7 клас. Просвета, Ссофия, 2003.
Author’s E-Mail:
A. Gendjova
Teaching Chemical Experiment
The Economic Demonstrator: Prepare It Once, Use It Many Times. III. Phenomena of Discontinous Thermochromism
Резюме. Sealed ampoules containing solids that show pronounced thermochromism were prepared, thus continuing the series “prepare it once – use it many times” of the economic demonstrator. Two types of thermochromic solids were prepared: silver, copper(I) and thallium(I) tetraiodomercurate(II), on one hand, and diethylammonium tetrachloro¬cuprate or tetrachloronickelate, on the other.
Keywords: thermochromism, discontinuous; silver tetraiodomercurate(II); copper(I) tetraiodomercurate(II); thallium(I) tetraiodomercurate; diethylammonium tetrachloro¬cuprate(II); diethylammonium tetrachloro¬nickelate(II)
1. Monković, M., V.M. Petruševski, M. Bukleski. The Economic Demonstrator: Prepare It Once, Use It Many Times. I. Continuous Thermochromism in the NO2 – N2O4 System – Equilibrium Shifts Induced by Temperature Changes. Chemistry 15, 256–264 (2006).
2. Petruševski, V.M., M. Bukleski, M. Monković. The Economic Demonstrator: Prepare It Once, Use It Many Times. II. Continuous Thermochromism in Aqueous Solutions of Transition Metal Chlorides. Chemistry. 16, 20–26 (2007).
3. Summerlin, L.R., J.L. Ealy, Jr. Chemical Demonstrations. A Sourcebook for Teachers, Vol. 1, 2nd Edition, American Chemical Society, Washington, 1988, pp. 79–80.
4. Summerlin, L.R., J.L. Ealy, Jr. Chemical Demonstrations. A Sourcebook for Teachers, Vol. 1, 2nd Edition, American Chemical Society, Washington, 1988, pp. 83–84.
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9. Hughes, J.G. Thermochromic Solids. J. Chem. Educ. 75, 57 (1998).
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Corresponding Author:
V.M. Petrusevski, M. Bukleski
From the Research Laboratories
Spectrophotometric-Partial Least-Squares Calibration Method for Determination of Cobalt, Nickel, Copper and Zinc Simultaneously in Micellar Media
Резюме. A spectrophotometic-partial least-squares method was proposed for simultaneously determination of cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc in micellar media. Methyl thymol blue and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide were used as a color reagent and a surfactant, respectively. Absorbance measurements were made in the amplitude of 560-680 nm with 1.5 nm steps in buffered solutions at pH 6. The linear ranges were obtained in the amplitude of 0.05-3.00, 0.10-4.00, 0.10-3.00 and 0.05-3.50 µg ml-1 for Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions, respectively. The proposed method was used for simultaneously determination of mentioned metals in synthetic alloy samples. The satisfactory results were showed that the method was applicable for the analysis of samples with similar matrix.
Keywords: partial least-squares method, Methyl thymol blue, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc
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Corresponding Author:
H.R. Pouretedal, M.H. Keshavarz, A. Semnani, M. Rafat