Dr. Daniel Polihronov, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The problem of the reflection of prevention and correction of deviant and delinquent behaviour in art is not new, but it is contemporary and insufficiently researched in Bulgaria. In order to clarify and expand the competencies of students in the Faculty of Education of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” prepared to work in the field of prevention and correction of behaviour deviating from the moral and legal norms, a task is set for the analysis of an artwork that interprets the problem of deviant and delinquent behaviour. An algorithm for artwork analysing related to the problem of deviant and delinquent behaviour and their prevention is proposed. An assessment of the students' analyses based on the taxonomies of V. Belspalko and B. Bloom is presented.
Keywords: prevention; correction; deviant behavior; delinquent behavior; art; artwork analysis; content analysis; taxonomic approach to evaluation