1)Prof. Petar Kenderov, DSc., 2)Prof. Dr. Toni Chehlarova, 2)Dr. Georgi Gachev
1) Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS
Absract. The characteristic features of the online competition “VIVA Mathematics
with Computer”, organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Union of Mathematicians in Bulgaria and the
telecommunications company VIVACOM are described. The tasks are classified according to the type of their answers. The GeoGebra help-files accompanying some of the tasks are discussed as tools for simultaneous development of students‘ digital and mathematical competence. An analysis of the results of the competition, held on April 25,
2020, is presented.
Keywords: online competition; digital competence; mathematical competence; Covid-19; GeoGebra; PISA