Not So Much an Axiomatic System, More a Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Phil Budgel 1), Mitko Kunchev 2)
1)Education Leadership Consultancy – Sheffield (UK)
2)Ruse (Bulgaria)
Abstract. By analysing, in detail, the requirements of any axiomatic system, the authors have concluded that it is not possible to ‘Axiomatize the Education System’ in any meaningful way; the process cannot comply with the demands of axiomatization:..
Informal Educators as a Subjects of Pedagogical Interaction in Pedagogy of Informal Education
Dr. Tanya Zhelyazkova-Teya
Institute of Informal Innovations (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article presents the characteristics of informal educators as subjects of pedagogical interaction in Pedagogy of informal education, created by the author in 2020 as a new self-contained branch of pedagogy…
Today we present: “Ivan P. Pavlov” Vocational School of Tourism (Ruse)
Early Career Orientation – Trend and/or Success
Yordan Adolfov
“Ivan P. Pavlov” Vocational School of Tourism (Ruse)
Absract. The present study examines the preparation of students for future career development in the country and abroad...
Information and Communication Technologies – a Contemporary Tool for Education
Bilyana Nikolova
“Ivan P. Pavlov” Vocational School of Tourism (Ruse)
Absract. The research presents the advantages of using information and communication technologies in education...
Presentation of the Organization and Management of a World’s Elite Hotel
Tsvetelina Petrova
“Ivan P. Pavlov” Vocational School of Tourism (Ruse)
Absract. The text discusses the concept of hotel management according to Bulgarian and foreign researchers...
Bulgarian Tourism in the Conditions of COVID-19 and after It
Ivan Bonev
“Ivan P. Pavlov” Vocational School of Tourism (Ruse)
Absract. The text describes the essence of tourism. Statistical studies on the development of tourism are considered, its digitization is considered...