Dr. Stoyka Chakurova
Sofia University
Faculty of Slavic studies
Absract. This article discusses the potential effects of using ChatGPT on the development of students' reading skills. The main characteristics of reading with ChatGPT are explored and compared to reading on paper and in digital environments. The possibilities and drawbacks of these three types of reading are analyzed in terms of how they shape cognitive and metacognitive reading skills, as well as their overall influence on students' cognitive abilities. The presence of
ChatGPT, a large language model capable of generating natural language texts, has a
significant impact on language learning and the development of key language-base
skills and competencies, such as communicative, civic, and social skills, including the ability to learn and express oneself creatively. There is reason to suggest its potentially negative influence on students' motivation for reading, learning, critical
thinking, and on aspects of their psychological and moral development. From a methodological perspective, the availability of such powerful AI tools, capable of
solving almost any academic task instantly, calls for a rethinking of how and in
what ways these tools can be beneficial for education, including language learning
while also neutralizing their negative impact on students' development.
Keywords: ChatGPT; artificial intelligence; reading skills; deep reading superficial reading