Albena Kostadinova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The maintenance of sustainable, upward development and well-being for society at the national level is a consequence of the achievements of individuals. Acquiring an educational degree and becoming established in a profession are of great importance for the success of every person in life. The set of new knowledge, skills and competences necessary to live in the 21st century is constantly increasing, and finding a job in the conditions of serious competition requires not only appropriate qualifications, but also constant upgrading and personal improvement. The new educational policies focus on improving the teacher-parent interaction to reveal the potential and capabilities of each student. Children placed in residential care lack parental support and have more difficulties in learning, training and finding suitable work than their peers guided by their families. The proposed article presents the results of a survey regarding the opinion of specialists in relation to the situation of minors residing in family-type accommodation centers in educational and professional aspects. The purpose of the research is to establish the current state of affairs in this matter and to highlight some significant obstacles that limit the educational and professional success of young people. Based on the obtained results, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were given as a starting point for taking targeted actions at the level of responsible persons, public organizations and institutions.
Keywords: children at risk, educational inclusion, educational inequality, professional success, extracurricular activities, family-type placement center for children and youths