Dr. Ivan Drenovski
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. The article provides a retrospective review of the mandatory state matriculation examinations in Bulgarian language and the second elective subject conducted in the period 2008 – 2021. Official data obtained on the basis of applications under the Access to Information Act were used. The total number of those who appeared at the matriculation exam in geography and economics and their grades in it are compared with the data for the other general matriculation subjects. The dynamics in the number of pupils attending all kinds of exams is monitored. Different tendencies stand out, which are explained by the action of general and specific factors. The reasons for the low results and the consequences of the headlong decline of those wishing to take the matriculation exam in geography and economics are indicated.
Keywords: matriculation exam in geography; mean marks; grading schemas