Dr. Evgeni Yordanov, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Limited motor activity – during pandemic and distance learning, negatively affects the physical fitness and motivation for sports activities of people of all age groups, including students involved in the tennis training process at the University at Sofia university. Tennis is a sport distinguished by great variability of spatial, temporal and power characteristics of motor activity. This defines it as a difficult game to master. Achieving a good level of technical readiness requires repeated application of the different technical elements, and the size of the physical load is quite high. The achievement of the goal and tasks in tennis training at
the University largely depends on factors such as desire for systematic training
activities, presence of lasting interests in practicing the game, conscious attitude
and active participation in the performance of various exercises. All this leads us
to examine the attitudes, desires and interests of students in tennis discipline and
to establish whether they are changing as a result of epidemiological restrictions.
This will allow us to conduct full training and achieve faster restoration of
normal life rhythm and training work at the university.
Това би ни позволило да водим пълноценно обучение и да постигнем по-бързото възстановяване на нормалния ритъм на живот и учебно-тренировъчна работа в Университета.
Keywords: tennis; training; attitude; desires; interests; motivation