Светла Буковска
Център за оценяване на предучилищното и училищното образование – МОН
Absract. The article presents information about what the synergistic learning model is when studying complex systems such as the education system. Information is also presented on what STEAM education is, as a more developed version of STEM education. The results of tasks included in external assessment in natural sciences – biology and targeted education for the first high school stage are presented, meeting the set conditions for two groups of students intensively studying a foreign language and without intensive foreign language study. The
sample is representative of the country, but not representative of the regions, and
includes 2,682 students. From the test, only individual tasks that correspond to the
synergistic model are included, and the length of the tests for the three years is 15
tasks – 13 with a selectable answer and 2 with a free answer. The results of the single trial test show that the tasks have good statistical characteristics. There is a statistically significant difference in student achievement in favor of those with intensive foreign language study.
Keywords: synergistic learning; STEAM; testing