Dr. Maryana Buinyak, Assist. Prof.
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Myronova
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University (Ukraine)
Abstract. The readiness of parents to raise children with intellectual disabilities is a set of emotional-motivational, cognitive and activity components, the formation of which ensures an adequate attitude of family members to the child and the choice of optimal methods of its upbringing. The article highlights the results of a study of parents’ readiness for family upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities, the research methodology is described, and a detailed analysis of the results is presented. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that a significant part of parents raising child with intellectual disabilities accept the child and its disorders at the psychological level, but they are emotionally depressed that their child has developmental disabilities. The vast majority of parents are not sufficiently aware of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of their children, the age dynamics of their development. This negatively affects the choice of tactics and methods of education, knowledge about possible problems in learning and further adult life.
Keywords: parents’ readiness for upbringing; family education; family; children with intellectual disabilities; child’s personality