Reflection Of The Discourse Approach On The Bulgarian Language Educational Series (textbooks for the 5th – 12th grade)
Absract. In this article are based some thoughts giving a significance to the concept of discourse approach. The purpose is this rationalization to become a base for creation of school content in Bulgarian language for the aims of a course of textbooks designed for the junior high school and the both high school degrees. The special features of the communicatively orientated training in Bulgarian language are presented which needs a new “generation” of textbooks and school aids. They must reflect the characteristics of the discourse approach and be at the most adequate to the requirements of the modern socio-cultural and educational context.
Keywords: discourse approach; communicatively orientated training in Bulgarian language; textbook in Bulgarian language
Prof. Dr. Angel Petrov
Sofia University
Project-Oriented Learning As A Method For Developing The Communicative Competence Of High School Students
Absract. This presentation offers a methodological solution for the development of communicative competence of students in 8-12. class in a vocational high school, related to the implementation of an interdisciplinary project involving interaction with institutions, companies, organizations and people outside the educational institution. Its potential for supporting the teaching of Bulgarian language (and other academic disciplines) is analyzed; for the development of the student's personality in psychological, behavioral and value prana; for its socialization; to improve communicative, social and linguistic competence. The conclusions are based on project-oriented activities conducted in natural conditions of authentic communication, and observations made in the process of its implementation.
Keywords: Project-oriented learning; communicative competence; Bulgarian language learning; model
Dr. Stoyka Chakurova
Sofia University
Null And Overt Subject In Learning Bulgarian As A Foreign Language
Absract. This study aims at exploring the omission/expression of subjects in written and oral texts of students who study Bulgarian as a foreign language in Lisbon University, Portugal. The language combination (Bulgarian and Portuguese) is especially interesting as both languages share the null subject property, therefore, a positive transfer of this structure was expected. The results obtained indicate that positive transfer of null subject is observed only partially compared with corpus data. Hypotheses are proposed as an explanation of this phenomenon. They are based on following principles: linguistic – sentence prototypicality; interface hypothesis; psychological – hesitation; psycholinguistic, psychological and language teaching – overdifferentiation; interference from one nonnative to another nonnative language.
Keywords: Bulgarian as a foreign language; null subject
Dr. Antonia Radkova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Interference Errors In The Usage Of The Verb “To Be” In Bulgarian Speech Of Foreigners
Absract. The report presents the persistent interference errors in the speech of foreign students in Bulgarian with attention to the acquisition and developing of the forms of the Bulgarian auxilary verb “to be” The problem is dealt theoretically and from Applied Linguistics point of view. We analyze linguistic output of respondents in whose native (first) language there is not a structural equivalent ot “to be” compared with the output of speakers with a first language including “to be”. On the basis of our results we make some conclusions in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguisticks path.
Keywords: applied linguistic; Bulgarian as foreign language; interference errors; forms of the verb; auxilary verb; wording
Dr. Venera Mateeva-Baycheva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
The Late 19Th Century Teachers’ Merit In Describing And Studying Bulgarian Dialects From The Same Time Period
Absract. The following article offers a different perspective on the Bulgarian dialectological researches from the late 19th century. Its main aria of interest focuses not just on the importance they have for exploring and learning the diversity of the vernacular from the above-mentioned time period, but also deals with their practical application in the educational process from the late 19th century.
The article addresses the first attempts on implying dialectological methods as a component of mother tongue education and Bulgarian language teaching, as well on the first known initiatives to organize extracurricular language practices together with senior-class students by collecting dialect material in accordance with the educational content. It highly praises the merit of mother tongue teachers from the late 19th century regarding the description and collection of the then Bulgarian dialects.
Keywords: history of Bulgarian education; history of Bulgarian dialectology; Bulgarian dialects; Bulgarian language teaching; late 19th century
Dr. Maria Mitskova, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Bulgarian language and literature in primary school
Aspects Of Theatrical Pedagogical Interaction In The Educational Process (Student Survey)
Absract. The article analyzes the results of a survey with students from the pedagogical specialties of the Pedagogical College - Pleven at the University of Veliko Turnovo „St.St. Cyril and Methodius". The measurement procedure reflects the students' opinion about the application of pedagogical animation in teaching, which is based on the theatrical pedagogical interaction. The survey was conducted in order to determine the degree of recognition of the nature of pedagogical animation, the degree of readiness to apply innovative forms and methods of pedagogical animation and the degree of satisfaction of students in their basic preparation.
Keywords: theater-pedagogical interaction; pedagogical animation; leisure organization
Prof. Rositsa Penkova, DSc.
Pleven College of Pedagogy
Level Of Formation Of Language Sociolinguistic And Sociocultural Competences In Primary School Pupils According To Teachers
Absract. The article presents an analysis of the theoretical statements in relation to language, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences and the results of empirical research through a survey with primary teachers about their opinion on the level of formation of language, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences in primary school pupils. Teachers' views on distance learning in relation to limiting the spread of Covid-19 are analyzed. Specific conclusions are made.
Keywords: primary school; competences; mother language
Ms. Desislava Petrova
Sofia University
A Necessary Correction In The Bulgarian Indicative Tense Paradigm: The Perfect Is Formed From Imperfect Participles As Well
Absract. According to most Bulgarian grammars and the majority of researchers studying the Bulgarian perfect, its indicative forms are built from aorist participles and not from imperfect ones. This is an inadequate thesis that must be corrected. Analyzed in the paper are many examples with perfect verb forms built from imperfect participles. The relevant specificities in the semantics of the perfect, the aorist and the imperfect are investigated, and a firm conclusion is made that the Bulgarian perfect must be regarded as formed from both aorist and imperfect participles.
Keywords: perfect; aorist; imperfect; re-narrative; inferential
Krasimir Kabakciev, DSc.
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For The Positives Of An Exemplary Model Of Experimental Work
Georgieva, S. (2019). Izuchavane na klasovete dumi kato tekstoizgrazhdashti/ tekstosvarzvashti sredstva (V – VII klas). Shumen: Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Episkop Konstantin Preslavski”, ISBN 978-619-201-326-4, 301 p.
Prof. Dr. Tatyana Angelova
Sofia University
Official Records Of Boyan Penev, Todor Borov, Alexander Balabanov, Konstantin Galabov And Stoyan Karolev In The University Archives Of „St. Kliment Ohridski” University Of Sofia
Dr. Alexandra Antonova, Assoc. Prof.
Institute for Literature
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
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