Periodization of the Bulgarian Medieval History
Absract. The article presents for the first time theoretical argumentation for the periodization of Bulgarian medieval history. The attempts for such periodization, which are reflected in the content and structure of the summarized scientific publications on the history of medieval Bulgaria from the end of the 19th century to the present day, are reviewed. It has to be concluded that state-political history is a dominant marker. The lower boundary of the Bulgarian medieval history goes back to the time from the earliest history of the Bulgarians and Slavs before the Great Migration of the Peoples, and the upper boundary is the end of the XVII century.
In conclusion, the Bulgarian medieval history can be divided in three main periods: Early, High and Late Middle ages.
Keywords: periodization; medieval history; Bulgarian Middle Ages
Dr. Georgi N. Nikolov
Sofia University
Conditions for the Emergence of the Entrepreneurial Class in Sopot, Karlovo and Kalofer during the Bulgarian National Revival Period
Absract. The purpose of this article is revealing the conditions and prerequisites for the “birth” of the entrepreneurial class in Sopot, Karlovo and Kalofer during the 18th-19th centuries.
The main conclusion is that the combination of a favorable external environment and appropriate personal qualities make possible the appearance of people with enterprising spirit. In other words, Bulgarian Revival entrepreneurs from Sopot, Karlovo and Kalofer are born, but they are also made through the accumulated experience and knowledge.
Keywords: Bulgarian National Revival period; entrepreneurial class; conditions; Sopot; Karlovo; Kalofer
Dr. Ivaylo Naydenov, Assist. Prof.
Institute for Historical Studies
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
Towards the Early History of a Bulgarian Literary Centre: Emergence and Development of Adzhar According to Ottoman Tax Documents from the XVII Century
Absract. An attempt to throw light on the early history of Adzhar village, today’s Svezhen, based mainly on four unpublished Ottoman tax registers, is made in the article. The author claims that the earliest documents discovered so far about the existence of Adzhar as a settlement date from the first decades of the XVII century. The village was first mentioned on the pages of an abridged avarız-register from the years 1621 – 1622. Data about the presence of large summer pastures and sheepfolds in the region of Sarnena Sredna Gora Mountain as early as the 16th century show that the foundation of the village can be related to the good conditions for livestock breeding of a peaceful place in the depths of the mountain. It is very likely that part of the inhabitants of Adzhar had been dzheleps, who bred sheep and other cattle for the food needs of the big cities, the army and the Sultan’s Palace. As a result, raw materials including sheep wool and sheepskins led to the development of a number of crafts.
The Orthodox Bulgarian population of Adzhar grew rapidly. Due to the demographic and economic development, a significant literary centre was created there for transcribing and illustrating liturgical books.
A church with two priests was built in the village. There is information that in the second half of the 17th century sheep-breeding, crafts such as goat hair processing (mutafcılık) and tailoring, as well as trade and transportation of goods (in exchange of payment – kiracılık) developed in Adzhar.
Keywords: Bulgaria; village of Adzhar; demographic and economic development; sheep-breeding; crafts; trade; Ottoman documents
Dr. Krastyo Yordanov
Institute for Historical Studies
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
A Labyrinth and a Choice in the Creative Searches of Christo Popkonstantinov – a Famous Rhodopian and a Public Man
Absract. In this article, we aim to reveal some of Hristo Popkonstantinov's rich literary heritage, as well as biographical details about him. We study archival materials and information in literary resources. The scientific methods used are: the historical-chronological as well as the specific methods of archivism.
The depth of the author's searches in the novel “The Physics of Sorrow” by contemporary Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov, intertwining the past and present in a special and successful way, led us to think that we could connect our scientific study of one of the most prominent Rhodopes with the topic of the maze and the choice that must inevitably be made.
In the complicate labyrinth of Bulgarian post-liberation reality, Hristo Popkonstantinov masterfully overcomes the confusion of many possible exits through his sense of the right direction – namely tireless and stubborn self-education, preservation of the Bulgarian historical and folk heritage and respect to the Motherland. Hristo Popkonstantinov stands out as the first Rhodope writer and public figure of national importance.
Keywords: Christo Popkonstantinov; literary activity; labyrinth; choice; exit
Ms. Maria Glavcheva
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
“Thracian Dances” by Petko Staynov – from Historical Archives to Contemporary Music Textbooks in Secondary School
Absract. Тhe article presents an exploration of the “life” of one of the 20th century's symbolic symphonic works in Bulgarian musical culture – composer Petko Staynov’s “Thracian Dances” suite. The starting point of this study is research into some of the archival documents related to the work’s first performance in 1927. The next stage goes through the analysis of the piece’s presence in textbooks from the last third of the last century to the adoption of the Law on Pre-school and School Education. The final stage of this study is focused on the presence of the work and the educational context it is linked to in some of the contemporary Bulgarian textbooks.
Keywords: Petko Staynov; symphonic suite; “Thracian Dances”; historical archives; textbooks
Dr. Penka Marcheva
University of Veliko Turnovo, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria,
Pleven College of Pedagogy
A New Look at the Bulgarian Elite
Dr. Gergana Georgieva
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
“Diplomacy of Medieval Rus’ (10th – 16th Centuries)”, 10th International Scientific Conference in the “Colloquia Russica” Series
Artem Papakin
Taras Shevchenko University – Kiev (Ukraine)
Scientific Conference “Markets, Society, Power”
Prof. Ivan Rusev
University of Economics – Varna