Model for Sustainable Professional Choice in Secondary Professional Education in Architecture and Construction
Absract. The article presents a model for sustainable professional choice. The model brings together the factors that influence the sustainability of students’ vocational high school in construction and architecture. The aim is to bring the adolescents closer to the professional reality by simultaneously acting on the factors, to create a clear picture of the chosen profession. To create an opportunity for a metaphysical level of insight into the educational process that one must go through to reach the chosen profession.
Keywords: career choice; career guidance; construction and architecture
Ms. Violetka Tzolova
Sofia High School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Measuring University Teachers‘ Attitudes for Applying Research Training
Absract. Based on an empirical research, the article traces trends in the development of research teaching in an academic setting. The problem is addressed in two areas: scientific-theoretical and reflexive-empirical. The scientific and theoretical part presents the relation between the quality of training and research training. The reflexive-empirical section presents the results of a study conducted among academic staff. The survey used to conduct the survey examines areas such as reflection and self-reflection in teaching. Theoretically justified conclusions are presented. The current trends in the research training of students at Bulgarian universities are outlined.
Keywords: research training; methodology; higher education
Dr. Rumyana Neminska, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Tendencies in Classification of Persons with Intellectual Disability
Absract. This paper presents the historical tendencies in the development of classification of intellectual disability. There is an overview of the different revisions of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Additionally, there is comparison among different classifications of intellectual disability based on the revisions transition of ICD.
Keywords: mental retardation; Intellectual disability; classification; intelligence quotient
Milen Zamfirov
Sofia University
Днес представяме: Основно училище „Христо Ботев“ – Раковски
A Talе for One Big School in One Small Town
Absract. The text describes the school’s preparation for celebrating the 150th anniversary of its foundation. The idea of creating a retrospective film, born during the preparation period, has become a kind of time-travel and a look over the years to the people and their efforts that have kept the school spirit to present day.
Keywords: school; holiday; teachers; inheritance
Ms. Anna Borgogiyska, Ms. Pavlina Plachkova
Hristo Botev Primary School
Rakovski, Bulgaria
Achieving Basic Literacy for Students in 2nd Grade
Absract. The text discuses methods and techniques for making the student active participant in the learning process. Specific approaches used in the class are indicated, and the impact of their implementation – evaluated. With the help of teamwork, participation in project assignments and extracurricular activities, there has been a significant increase in interest and in reading and writing skills in children from the initial stage of education.
Keywords: student; active participant; educational process; approach; effect; teamwork
Ms. Daniela Govedarska, Ms. Mariya Kotova,
Ms. Ivelina Masaldzhiyska
Hristo Botev Primary School
Rakovski, Bulgaria
The Big Journey, Called Dictation
Absract. The text deals with the dictation as a means of improving the spelling and punctuation skills and habits, as well as the acquisition of knowledge in phonetics, morphology and lexicology. Dictation also serves to developing oral and written speech since first grade. Indicated are different types of dictations, described is an input diagnosis, made at the beginning of the school year for the emotions that the word dictation causes among students. Some conclusions have been drawn on the role of dictation in the formation of speech and spelling culture in students.
Keywords: dictation; types; conclusions; formation of speech and spelling culture
Ms. Angelina Gencheva, Ms. Maya Dragoeva
Hristo Botev Primary School
Rakovski, Bulgaria
Interactive Methods for Creating Young Talents in Fine Art Classes
Absract. The article describes the activities of the students in the fine arts classes. Explained are various types of lessons and visual techniques. The influence on the interest of the children through non-standard or previously unknown art techniques is indicated.
Keywords: lesson; art; art technique; students
Ms. Lilyana Kisova
Hristo Botev Primary School
Rakovski, Bulgaria
How a Schoolyard in the Town of Rakovski Became a Favorite Place for Games, Learning and Relaxation
Abstract.. Статията разказва за инициатива за преобразяване на училищния двор в привлекателно и интересно за учениците място. С помощта и на родители, учители осъществяват инициатива за оформяне на интересни кътове за учене и игра.
Keywords: school; game; interactive methods; students
Ms. Anna Borgogiyska, Ms. Yanka Arlashka
Ms. Ivana Lesova, Ms. Ani Dimitrova
Hristo Botev Primary School
Rakovski, Bulgaria
Good Teaching Practices
Absract. For the last fifteen years, the authors, in their work as teachers of English at Hristo Botev Primary School – city of Rakovski, have applied and continue to look for different methods and approaches in language teaching, in order to provoke students’ interest and motivation. In general, good practices can be divided into three strands:
– Communication – through letters and cards with children from different countries. This definitely enables students to translate their foreign language knowledge into skills by applying what they have learned not to the fictional world of textbooks, but to a real life situation.
– Theatre – English language theatre, as an innovative method in our practice, finds its practical application in two aspects: the use of theatrical techniques and drama exercises in daily training in addition to other forms of foreign language training; preparation and implementation of theatre projects as an extracurricular activity for children.
– Technology – integrating IT into foreign language learning is definitely a successful way to motivate students to fully participate in learning and to take responsibility for their own learning.
Keywords: good practices; communication; theatre; technologies
Ms. Milena Lesova, Ms. Monika Darzhalieva-Kosova
Hristo Botev Primary School
Rakovski, Bulgaria
School of Joy
Absract. The School of Joy is an interactive outdoor classroom that allows students to get out of the enclosed space of the study room, be in the air and play, expand and enrich their knowledge. Students use all their senses, have direct observations and experiences, which facilitates perception and understanding. Children are placed under new, different conditions. They change the static position with a dynamic one. The involvement of the child in accessible practice-oriented activities, aimed at transforming reality, is an important prerequisite for building a positive emotional and evaluative attitude to the natural world, for forming an environmental and civic culture in adolescents.
Ключови думи: училище; интерактивна карта; класна стая на открито; позитивна нагласа; ученици
Ms. Pavlina Plachkova, Ms. Kremena Alexieva
Hristo Botev Primary School
Rakovski, Bulgaria
Днес представяме: Професионална гимназия по икономика и туризъм „Алеко Константинов“ – Велинград
Specific Solutions for the Traditional Pedagogic Communications in the Educational System
Abstract.. Образованието е жива система, ежедневно изявяваща се по хиляди различни начини в действията на реални хора и институции. Най-фундаменталното ниво в образованието изисква създаването на условия, позволяващи на учениците да искат и да могат да учат.
What is the best way to support our children? Pay attention to each child’s personality!
Children are completely different and every child is unique in his or her own temperament, interests, talents and way of thinking. They “say” everything and it is important for us to decipher their signals. What would happen if school strengthens children’s voice and does not deafen it?
We should be aware of the new time and the changes it occurs in education. What can we do? There are opportunities for change in every school. Education must make young people be engaged not only with their own world, but with the one around them.
Successful schools show steady creativity in the way they realize education and communication in the educational system. One of the main tasks of school is to prepare students not only according to the academic principles, but also professionally oriented and adequate for their social realization. We should teach flexibility and stability, which will help them cope with difficulties in their life path. It is our duty to develop their skills how to find and generate innovative solutions.
Students learn better when they are active and practice things. In this process they use their natural ambition to create. This rises their curiosity, they search for answers and meaning. It is important students to be involved in real actions, to look for opportunities to be the active point of the educational process.
In this paperwork are presented innovative experiences: flipped classroom method/providing opportunity for learning through activity/, school mediation, establishing School Council and its successful activities, young people and their active position in school life.
Keywords: self-government; flipped classroom method; school mediation; student personality; learning through acting.
Ms. Elena Gergova-Elichina, Ms. Luybka Baylova
High School of Economics and Tourism “Aleko Konstantinov”, Velingrad, Bulgaria
Labor Problems in the Management of the School Organization
Absract. The following article analyzes the management experience, based on the current work of the management team, in order to overcome problems and situations that have arisen.
Keywords: трудово правоотношение; трудов договор; работно време; отпуски; подбор
Mr. Petar Veselinov
High School of Economics and Tourism “Aleko Konstantinov”, Velingrad, Bulgaria
Diagnosis of the Results of Entry Level Test in X Grade – Foreign Language in the Profession Subject
Absract. The author aims to express his vision and years of experience in vocational training of students in foreign language in a topical and interesting specialty in the field of tourism. The efforts are focused on the diagnosis of results in the hotel and restaurant training, and the ideas are as follows:
– to show the relationship between the students‘ practical activity and the use of foreign languages, in this case English.
– to outline the importance of diagnosing a student‘s initial knowledge and skills when starting the school year and planning a teacher‘s strategy for the learning process.
The main objective of the curriculum is to teach foreign language in the profession to form communication skills in the professional field studied. The subject of the research is to measure the skills and competences of the students to solve specific tasks and situations in the tourism industry. To have adequate knowledge and communication skills with tourists from other English-speaking countries. The performed diagnostic procedure proves the working hypothesis that the use of the test as a method of assessing knowledge in English classes stimulates their cognitive activity and helps in the deeper and qualitative assimilation of the learning material.
Keywords: English language; diagnosis of results; knowledge; research; communication skills; tourism
Mr. Ilia Tupchev
High School of Economics and Tourism “Aleko Konstantinov”, Velingrad, Bulgaria
The Way of a Dream
Absract. The article describes in detail the project work in the vocational high school and the change that is provoked in the students’ and the teachers’ team as a result of acquired skills for public speaking, presentation, commentary, civic education.
Keywords: inclusion and solidarity; linguistic diversity; respect; tolerance; united Europe; debate
Ms. Luyba Sergeva
High School of Economics and Tourism “Aleko Konstantinov”, Velingrad, Bulgaria
Visualisation on Teaching Practice in Serving Subject
Absract. Practicing visualization of educational content as a form of innovation of the educational process in vocational high schools, is mainly based on ICT and is a serious prerequisite for flexible and sustainable learning for all school subjects.
Keywords: practicing; innovation; educational content; vocational school; ICT
Mr. Kamen Sholev
High School of Economics and Tourism “Aleko Konstantinov”, Velingrad, Bulgaria