Dr. Penka Todorova Kaneva, Assoc. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. Regardless of the scientific evidence about the positive influence of music on language development, the presence of music elements in the process of teaching English as a foreign language is still insufficient. Some methodological ideas are presented in the paper, after the thorough review and interpretation of literary sources. These ideas can be applied both to the excercises from the textbooks and to the additional learning content selected by the teachers according
to the language level and needs of the students.
The possibilities for integrating music elements into the process of teaching English as a foreign language are divided into two groups:
1) activities which integrate instrumental music and 2) activities which integrate vocal music and rhythmic elements.Presented methodological ideas do not exhaust all available ones but could become starting point for developing new solutions and to help pedagogical
specialists to see the positive influence of the music on language development.
Keywords: music; English language; primary school
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